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Exercise Steadfast Cobalt concludes in Lithuania

Major General Wolfgang Renner,  Commander of NATO Communications and Information Systems Group (NCISG) addresses the participants of exercise Steadfast Cobalt 18 at the closedown ceremony in Kaunas,  Lithuania from May 31,  2018. - NATO photo by SSgt Dan Bardsley GBRA
KAUNAS, Lithuania - Exercise Steadfast Cobalt 18, a command and control structure exercise, wrapped up on Thursday, May 31, 2018 in Kaunas, Lithuania with a Distinguished Visitors Day attended by about 100 visitors from the NATO Command Structure, the NATO Force Structure and participating Nations.

Exercise Steadfast Cobalt provided the NATO CIS Group (NCISG) and participants with the opportunity to test and develop all elements of its command and control structure in support of the enhanced NATO Response Force (eNRF). Each test phase event was assessed and where applicable, adjusted for the next phase ensuring a high tempo of training value.

"Steadfast Cobalt 18 is taking place in challenging times. The current security situation is demanding for the Alliance and we are adapting our structures and our thinking accordingly," said Commander of NCISG Major General Wolfgang Renner. "We must continue to be imaginative and devise very practical ways to prepare for various scenarios, also in CIS terms."

''An enormous effort has been put into this exercise to achieve all our goals and I am more than happy that we made it happen together," concluded Major General Renner.

Exercise Steadfast Cobalt 19 planning is already underway with the exercise to be held in Romania.

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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