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Azerbaijani NATO relationship stronger than ever

Briefing leader Colonel Alexander Schwab speaks with an Azerbaijani Base Commander during a visit by SHAPE's Military Partnership Directorate,  Oct. 1 - 5,  2018. - NATO photo by SHAPE Public Affairs Office
BAKU, Azerbaijan – A small NATO team led by SHAPE's Chief of Staff of Military Partnerships Directorate, Major General Odd Egil Pedersen, completed the annual NATO Training Days to Azerbaijan, from Oct. 1 to 5, 2018, where subjects reinforcing defence capacity building were discussed at the Azerbaijan Ministry of Defence and other training establishments. 

"The importance of these Bi-Strategic Command visits cannot be underestimated. Open and fruitful dialogue took place where Azerbaijani Armed Forces training requirements were identified and assessed," said Major General Pedersen. ''Azerbaijan is a leading Partner nation, and their contribution to the Resolute Support Mission is invaluable. We continue together look at other areas of military co-operation."

The NATO team visited the Air Force Command, the Military High School and Staff College. Briefings were given on NATO post-Summit, NATO operations, Partner frameworks and other areas of mutual interest. The team also visited MMIG-29 quick reaction alert assets at the Azerbaijani Air and Air Defence Force Base near Baku. 

"This visit has underpinned the importance NATO and Partners places on interoperability and defence. Our engagement here has allowed us to see the professionalism of the Azerbaijani Defence Forces and allowed us to examine additional areas of benefit including elements within the Operational Capabilities Concept," said Colonel Alexander Schwab, Briefing Team Leader. "The exchange of information has been continuous and my team and I will now review the visit and feedback and continue to enhance this important relationship," he added.

The Military Partnership Directorate based in SHAPE, Mons has a pivotal role in contributing towards regional security through engagement, dialogue and training programmes with some 41 nations. NATO through such practical co-operation promotes stability and unified defence. On Exercise Trident Juncture 18 this month many Partner nations will contribute to this important defence exercise. 

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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