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Albanian Minister of Defence visits SHAPE

Olta Xhaçka,  Defence Minister of the Republic of Albania,  visits SHAPE,  May 30,  2018. During the visit,  Minister Xhaçka discussed Albania's current participation in NATO operations with General Curtis M. Scaparrotti,  Supreme Allied Commander Europe. (NATO photo by TSgt Cody H. Ramirez,  USAF)
MONS, Belgium – General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, welcomed Albanian Defence Minister Olta Xhaçka to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) on Wednesday, May 30, 2018 to reinforce Albania and Allied Command Operations (ACO) cooperation and discuss Albania's strong commitment to NATO operations.

General Scaparrotti highlighted Albania's key role in the Western Balkans and Afghanistan, contributing to NATO's shared security. These efforts help to keep NATO safe, as NATO adapts to meet the serious security challenges we face.

"We stand by our engagements and will continue the contributions in the Resolute Support Mission, Afghanistan; KFOR; enhanced Forward Presence in Latvia; NATO's maritime activities in the Aegean Sea; enhanced NATO Response Force; and the Regional Hub for the South, Naples, Italy," said Minister Xhaçka.

General Scaparrotti emphasised the importance of Albania's contribution to NATO and the recent increase in defence spending.
Minister Xhaçka also stated that "Just two days ago, the Albanian Government has approved to increase of our troops in Resolute Support Mission. Moreover, for 2019, we have taken into consideration and we have decided in principle to increase our contribution with additional personnel."

NATO and Albania cooperate in a range of areas, with a particular emphasis on defence and security sector reform, as well as support for wider democratic and institutional reform. Albania officially became a NATO member on Apr. 1, 2009.

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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