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Change of Command for 3rd NATO Signal Battalion

Commander of the NATO Communication and Information Services Group,  Major General Walter Huhn,  presides over the change of command of the 3rd NATO Signal Battalion on Thursday,  Jan. 26 in Bydgoszcz,  Poland. - Photo by NATO CIS Group

BYDGOSZCZ, Poland - A Change of Command ceremony was held on Thursday, Jan. 26 in Bydgoszcz, Poland for the 3rd NATO Signal Battalion (NSB).

Lieutenant Colonel Michael Klement, of the Army of the Czech Republic, took command of the battalion from Lieutenant Colonel Alois Zdrha, also from the Army of the Czech Republic. The ceremony was presided over by the Commander of the NATO Communication and Information Services Group (NCISG), Major General Walter Huhn.

Major General Huhn thanked Lieutenant Colonel Zdrha for the significant results achieved by the Battalion during his command. "Lieutenant Colonel Zdrha assumed command on Aug. 1, 2013 and developed the Battalion further into a fully functional organisation, deeply engaged in operations and exercises, and able to shoulder its share of the workload alongside the other two NATO Signal Battalions," said Huhn.

The new battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Klement, will have to face a number of challenges during this assignment. He assumes command at a time of rapid increase in demands to provide deployable CIS to NATO's extensive calendar of operations, missions and exercises. He will greatly benefit from his previous experience as the Commander, Deployable CIS Module–Bravo (DCM-B).

The 3rd NSB is the newest of the three NATO Signal Battalions, having been formed in 2010.

Story by NATO CIS Group

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