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To Lead a Military

The Washington Treaty had created the first military and political alliance that bridged across the Atlantic and brought together Western Europe and North America. To be able to protect its members, NATO needed a military headquarters, and fast. Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, SHAPE, was established in the early 1950s. SHAPE was the first and only allied military headquarters to be established in peacetime. In this episode, we will discuss the first command and control structure, key strategic ideas like massive nuclear retaliation and the role of General Dwight D. Eisenhower – the first Supreme Allied Commander Europe – in laying the foundation of SHAPE.
HOSTS: Dr. Stella Adorf, Master Sergeant Alex Burnett, Dr. Linda Risso
GUESTS: Dr. Gregory Pedlow, Prof. Jamie Shea
NATO Declassified: Origins
VIDEO: NATO: The Origins of SHAPE
VIDEO: An integrated force
Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Forces, 19 June 1951.
Final Communiqué of the Ninth Session of the North Atlantic Council ("The Lisbon Decisions"), 25 February 1952.
Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters set up pursuant to the North Atlantic Treaty, 28 August 1952. 
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of the Federal Republic of Germany, 23 October 1954.
Eisenhower, Dwight D. The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower. Volume XII and XIII. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003.

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