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NATO Multinational Battlegroups  /  Latest News  /  Exercise Crimson Marsouin concludes in Estonia

 Oct 11 2019

Exercise Crimson Marsouin concludes in Estonia

Estonia - NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battle Group Estonia participated in Exercise Crimson Marsouin in the Central Training Area (CTA), Estonia from Sept. 26 – Oct. 2, 2019.

The exercise specifically provided an opportunity for the French Combined Arms Tactical Group (CATG) to manoeuvre an operational alert from short notice implementation to deployment.

the French and British are ready to fulfil our mission

"The French detachment has committed 100% of its operational capabilities as soon as it arrives on the scene, thanks to good preparation upstream," said Captain Valentin, commander of the French CATG.

Before deploying to the British-led battle group in Estonia, French infantrymen, riders, sappers and gunners trained together extensively on many occasions in France.

Interoperability amongst the battle group nations was also honed during the exercise.

"As commander of this battle group, I can say that the French and British components understand each other, work together, and are ready to fulfil our mission here," said Colonel Tilney.

Story by enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Estonia       

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