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NATO Multinational Battlegroups  /  Latest News  /  enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroups demonstrate the strength of their armoured assets

enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroups demonstrate the strength of their armoured assets

RIGA, Latvia - The enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroups from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland participated in Exercise IRON TOMAHAWK, a tank concentration in the Camp Adaži Training Area in Latvia on Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2018.

Exercise IRON TOMAHAWK, hosted by the eFP Battlegroup Latvia, showcased the firepower, interoperability and effectiveness of NATO's heavy armour capabilities along the NATO's eastern flank.

"I am proud to host our partner Battlegroups for the inaugural Exercise IRON TOMAHAWK," said Lieutenant-Colonel Steve MacBeth, Commanding Officer, eFP Battlegroup Latvia. "With representation from all four enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroups, this exercise is a display of our strong commitment to interoperability with NATO Allies and is a demonstration of Allied solidarity and capability."

eFP Estonia contributed four British Challenger 2 tanks; eFP Latvia was represented by six Polish PT-91 battle tanks and four Spanish Leopardos; eFP Lithuania was represented by two German Leopard 2 tanks; and eFP Poland was represented by one Abrams battle tank from the United States.

The tank concentration consisted of a day shoot and a night shoot as well as a friendly competition between the tank teams from each sending nation. The competition was won by the German tanks from eFP Battlegroup Lithuania and was based on a tank crew's ability to engage multiple targets with the main and secondary armament at a variety of ranges.

"Exercise IRON TOMAHAWK has provided us the opportunity to further demonstrate the eFP integration within the Estonian 1st Brigade," said Lieutenant-Colonel Tom Miller, Commanding Officer of the eFP Battlegroup Estonia. "The chance to showcase multinational interoperability with forces from Germany, Spain, Poland, the United States and United Kingdom live firing alongside each other is a real privilege."

Story by enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup Latvia

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