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Slovenia camp trains Allied and partner Non-Commissioned Officers

MONS, Belgium - Representatives from 12 NATO and partner nations participated in the 12th NATO and Partner Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) Winter Camp in Slovenia from Mar. 8 - 15, 2019.

Since 2008, the Slovenian Armed Forces have hosted the winter camp offering a variety of class instruction, familiarisation exercises and even a biathlon competition.

"We are really glad to host an event like this within NATO and partner forces because it recognizes that the NCO corps within Slovenia are doing well and we are in the right direction. AS NCOs we are strong and dedicated and there is not one thing we couldn't do," Command Sergeant Major Iztk Racman, 132nd Mountain Regiment.

Building off the foundation of a strong NCO corps and with support of documents such as the NATO NCO Strategy and Guidelines, the Slovenian course's objective was to continue the development of better-trained and ready NCOs within the framework of NATO interoperability.


"Human nature is to connect and bond," said Sergeant Major Emin Dervisevic, Bosnia and Herzegovina Armed Forces. "This is important for us in the Balkans. We look for each other and get associated."  

While at the camp, the Sergeant Major Dervisevic met an old friend from military high school in Yugoslavia. "Emotions are coming," he said reflecting on seeing a friendly face for the first time in 30 years. "You remember the times in the local restaurant and exploring the town. It was 1991 the last time I saw him."  According to Sergeant Major Racman, this is exactly what the course offers. If there was one thing each participant walks away with, it is friendly connections.  

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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