Command Senior Enlisted Leader  /  Information  /  SHAPE leadership attend annual Junior Ranks and NCO dinner

SHAPE leadership attend annual Junior Ranks and NCO dinner

SHAPE, Belgium – Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, and Command Sergeant Major Davor Petek, Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL), attended the AnnualSHAPE Junior Ranks and Non-Commissioned Officer Dinner at SHAPE Dec. 9, 2016,to celebrate teamwork and camaraderie within the NATO NCO corp.
The SHAPE NCO and Junior Ranks Committee, a volunteer group of SHAPE NCOs dedicated to continuously improving the leadership skills and professionalism of the SHAPE enlisted force, hosted the event. The SACEUR and CSEL, with 63 combined years of military experience, spoke to the attendees regarding the future of NATO NCOs and the weight of their responsibility while serving with NATO.
"NCOs are the backbone of our military forces,” said CSM Petek. "We have a unique structure within the NATO, showing a common collaborating between enlisted and officers. It truly highlights just how capable our enlisted members are and the quality of work they produce.”  
The dinner, branching from the CSEL’s vision of expanding NCO engagement programs, allows NCOs and their spouses from across the Alliance to gather and strengthen their relationships and build esprit de corps. 

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