Command Senior Enlisted Leader  /  Information  /  SACEUR and CSEL visit Norway

SACEUR and CSEL visit Norway

OSLO, Norway - General Philip Breedlove, Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Command Sergeant Major Davor Petek, Allied Command Operations Command Senior Enlisted Leader, attended the Non-Commissioned Officer Conference and discussed the recent changes to Norway’s NCO ranks on Tuesday, Feb 2, 2016.  
As part of the visit, General Breedlove met with Ine Eriksen Søreide, Norway Minister of Defence to discuss Norway’s strong contributions to NATO and concerns in the region.
"I would like to thank your nation for its contributions to our military operations, to include Resolute Support Naval Forces and Air Policing,” said General Breedlove.  "I could not be any more proud of this team as you write history and set the path of the future to empower the Non-Commissioned Officer Corps.

During the conference, SACEUR and CSEL were briefed on the ongoing changes to the restructuring of the NCO tier in the Norwegian Armed Forces.  

"This is a complete overhaul of their rank structure, which will not only benefit Norway but will have a positive effect on the Alliance as a whole,” said Sergeant Major Petek. "By coming in line with other NATO nations, Norway is showing that they believe having a strong NCO corps is the backbone of the force. 
Norway’s NCO ranks were reintroduced Jan 1, 2016 in all branches of services. There has been a single rank tier since 1930 apart from certain technical and maintenance jobs from 1945 to 1975. The NCOs are referred to as specialist officers and rank from sergeant to sergeant major. Ranks in the Specialist Corps, lance corporal and corporal are reserved for enlisted personnel, while the rank of private is for conscripts only.   
At the completion of his visit, General Breedlove met with troops to show his appreciation for their service and dedication.
Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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