Brilliant Jump 2022

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Questions and Answers

1. What is the purpose of Exercise BRILLIANT JUMP 2022?

Exercise BRILLIANT JUMP 2022 will demonstrate the capability and integration of NATO forces as a contribution to NATO's deterrence and defence posture. BRILLIANT JUMP will train NATO Response Force's Very High Readiness Brigade in Norway. Consistent training and exercise improves interoperability, readiness and cohesion of Alliance forces.

2. Where and when does Exercise BRILLIANT JUMP 2022 take place?
Exercise BRILLIANT JUMP 2022 is held in southern Norway, 28 February - 18 March 2022 and it links into the Norwegian national exercise COLD RESPONSE 2022 with elements of the NATO Response Force participating in both exercises.

3. What is the purpose of the NATO Response Force?
The NATO Response Force is a technologically advanced, multinational force comprised of land, air, maritime and Special Operations Forces that are rapidly deployable. It provides collective defence and a rapid military response to an emerging crisis. In addition, it can perform peace-support operations, provide protection to critical infrastructure and support disaster relief.  Read more.

4.  Why do so many of NATO's exercise focus on Article 5 scenarios when it has only been used once in 70+ years?
Resilient, adaptable and combat-credible forces are fundamental to the Alliance's security. NATO's training and exercises are designed in a dynamic manner across all domains and through a 360-degree approach to mission command, which better prepares us for the challenges to come. NATO efforts will continue to include diplomatic activities to preserve peace and prevent a transition to crisis or conflict.

5.  What special forces elements are participating in BRILLIANT JUMP 2022 and COLD RESPONSE 2022? What SOF elements are part of the NRF22?
Special Forces elements from Italy will participate in exercise BRILLIANT JUMP 2022 and the NATO Response Force 2022. These highly-trained and adaptable forces bring added depth and training opportunities to NATO exercise BRILLIANT JUMP 2022 and to the NRF22.

6. How does NATO combat adversary allegations that the Alliance is weakening and unprepared for future threats?
NATO's military-to-military relationships, both in Europe and across the Atlantic, remain strong. Allies continuously train individually and together to ensure interoperability and cohesion throughout the Alliance. You can see this in both NATO Exercise BRILLIANT JUMP 2022 and Norwegian national exercise COLD RESPONSE 2022. NATO and our Allies continue to generate peace, alongside our partners, effectively providing deterrence and defence for the Euro-Atlantic.


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