OSLO – The 1st Legion Motorized Infantry Battalion of the 12th Polish Mechanized Brigade arrived in Norway on Thursday evening, Mar. 10, 2022 to participate in NATO exercise Brilliant Jump 22.
Approximately 160 troops as well as 32 pieces of equipment ranging from armoured personnel carriers to trucks and cars have arrived at the Norwegian port of Fredrikstad from Szczecin, Poland. They will now travel by road to the staging area in Rygge before participating in exercise activities near Rena.
Before military vehicles are permitted to drive on Norwegian roads a military veterinary team inspects them. The team ensures all sending nations have completed required biological border protection (BBP) measures of cleaning and disinfection prior to deployment.
The 1st Legion Motorized Infantry Battalion of the 12th Polish Mechanized Brigade arrived in Norway on Thursday evening, Mar. 10, 2022 to participate in NATO exercise Brilliant Jump 22. Prior to leaving Poland the military vehicles were subject to biological border protection measures. - Photos by the Polish Armed Forces
Since Norwegian authorities received certificates from the Polish Motorized Battalion documenting their BBP procedures, a veterinary team is present in Fredrikstad to do spot checks during disembarkation.
In the event the veterinary team discovers dirt or other biological material during inspection, a washing facility is available at the harbour for immediate corrections.
The Polish Battalion will not only participate in exercise Brilliant Jump 22 but also Norwegian-led exercise Cold Response. Cold Response is a defensive exercise under a NATO Article 5 scenario. The aim is to train the reinforcement of Allies under challenging climatic conditions, enhancing the readiness and capabilities of the participating forces. Up to 30,000 troops from 27 nations will participate, including NATO partner nations, Finland and Sweden.