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Rapid reaction corps france


The Rapid Reaction Corps (RRC) France is one of nine such entities that are available to NATO for the purpose of deploying for a wide range of missions including humanitarian assistance, peace support up to high-intensity war fighting.

The decision to establish the RRC France was taken in 2003. Two years later, this command designed to lead an army corps sized multinational joint unit was activated on October 1, 2006. Comprised of 60,000 men under French, EU or NATO command, the corps went through the NATO certification process and was certified as a "High Readiness Force".

Once placed on alert, following a political decision to commit troops, it is able to deploy reconnaissance teams to an operation area within two days and establish a command post (CP) in less than thirty days.

The organisation of the structure has been cited as a move to strengthen and favour the emergence of a European defence force.

On January 13, 2022, Rapid Reaction Corps (RRC) France assumed responsibility as the NATO Response Force (NRF) land component for 2022 in a ceremony at their headquarters in Lille.


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