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Hungary National Military Representative

Major General László Sticz PhD

In 2024, MGEN Sticz commanded the European Union Force (EUFOR) in Operation Althea, the European Union's largest peacekeeping operation. As the force commander, he gained first-hand operational experience by directing the information collection activities of the force and guiding the planning for EUFOR's current operations as well as for contingency situations.

In his role as the commander of the Force Modernization and Transformation Command of the Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF), MGEN Sticz was actively involved in HDF’s capability development. He directed the formulation of operational requirements while also placing significant emphasis on training as a decisive element of the DOTMLPFI spectrum. Additionally, he oversaw the HDF’s lessons learned process to enhance its capability-building practices.

He also served as the head of the Force Planning Directorate of the Hungarian Defence Staff, where he played a key role in analysing operational scenarios for HDF’s capability development and planning. In this position, he contributed to the development of HDF’s operational doctrines and training directives while also leading the lessons learned process. Furthermore, he was responsible for formulating operational requirements to support the HDF’s force modernization and armament acquisition processes.

At the strategic level, in the two positions mentioned above, MGEN Sticz regularly supported the Hungarian Chief of Defence’s decision-making with his professional expertise. During this period, he was deeply involved in the development of HDF’s strategic-level policies and doctrines, gaining extensive experience in leading strategic-level organizations. Simultaneously, he assisted the Hungarian CHOD in directing HDF’s operational engagements, including managing the migration crisis, where the HDF provided active support to the Hungarian Police.

As a staff officer engaged in the defense planning process at both the national and NATO levels, MGEN Sticz gained invaluable experience in teamwork and international cooperation. Since defense planning is directly linked to providing capabilities for operations, he remained consistently exposed to operational issues and challenges. While serving as a force planner at NATO Allied Command Transformation, he gained deep insights into NATO’s work practices and acquired firsthand experience in a multinational environment.

MGEN Sticz developed his operational planning skills during NATO’s Operational Planning Course at the NATO School in Oberammergau, Germany. There, he built upon his earlier tactical-level experience, which he had gained through his service in KFOR and in HDF infantry units.

He acquired valuable mission experience as an operations officer in the Joint Operations Centre of NATO Headquarters in Pristina, Kosovo. During his six-month deployment, he successfully navigated the challenges of working in an international environment and further strengthened his teamwork skills.

At the tactical level, MGEN Sticz developed his operational expertise through commanding mechanized infantry units within the HDF. As a battalion commander, he was responsible for ensuring the readiness and operational capabilities of an infantry formation, leading battalion operations, and evaluating their effectiveness. As a battalion chief of staff, he oversaw and executed planning for battalion-level training and operations. His earlier experiences as a company commander and platoon leader provided him with hands-on knowledge in training, planning, and leading small infantry units.

Major General Sticz has been awarded several high-level decorations throughout his career, including the Knight’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit, the Golden Grade of the Service Merit Award with Laurel Wreath, the NATO Non-Article 5 Balkans Medal for peacekeeping service in KFOR, and the Service Award for Migration Crisis Management.

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