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Command Group

At the top of the ACO structure are the posts of Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) supported by the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (DSACEUR) and the Chief of Staff (COS); all are 4 Star Generals. SACEUR's position is always assigned to the United States of America, while DSACEUR and COS posts are now permanently assigned to the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany respectively. SACEUR is also the commander of the US European Command (USEUCOM) with its Headquarters located in Stuttgart, Germany.

Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR)

Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR)

General Christopher G. Cavoli

Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (DSACEUR)

Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (DSACEUR)

Admiral Sir Keith Blount

Chief of Staff (COS)

Chief of Staff (COS)

General Markus Laubenthal

Vice Chief of Staff (VCOS)

Vice Chief of Staff (VCOS)

Lieutenant General Hubert Cottereau

Strategic and International Affairs

Strategic and International Affairs

Mr. Stephen Covington

Command Senior Enlisted Leader

Command Senior Enlisted Leader

Chief Warrant Officer Kevin J. Mathers

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