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Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 visits Bulgaria

VARNA, Bulgaria – HMCS FREDERICTON leading Standing NATO Maritime Group Two Task Unit 02 (SNMG2 TU.02) arrived in Varna on Friday, Apr. 1, 2016 as part of the Task Unit's deployment to the region.

After this port visit SNMG2 TU.02 will be joined at sea by Bulgarian antisubmarine warfare corvette BGS RESHITELNI. The ships will also train with a Bulgarian Air Force asset.

Romanian frigate ROS REGINA MARIA will integrate into the Task Group upon departure from Varna, and conduct surface and air defence exercises, communications exercises and ship handling drills.

SNMG2 TU.02, led by Fredericton Commanding Officer, Commander Trevor MacLean is in the Black Sea to reassure allies in the region of the Alliance's collective defence. The Task Unit will remain under the overall command of SNMG2 Commander, Rear Admiral Jörg Klein (GER) reflecting NATO's capability to operate in dynamic maritime domains.

"The next few weeks will provide a fantastic opportunity to develop our interoperability at sea with important allies," said Commander Trevor MacLean, Commanding Officer HMCS FREDERICTON. "Ultimately, our deployment and operations in the Black Sea will reinforce, and continue to build upon, the bonds of our alliance.  Being able to execute this deployment concurrent to SNMG2's ongoing activities speaks to our great flexibility as a Task Force.

"Following the completion of the deployment to Black Sea SNMG2 TU.02 will re-join the other ships of SNMG2, contributing to their current activities and maritime situational awareness.

Story by Allied Maritime Command Public Affairs Office

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