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Polish-led Exercise Anakonda 2016 a huge success

DRAWSKO POMORSKIE, Poland – Exercise Anakonda 2016, which involved 31,000 personnel from Allied and partner nations, has successfully wrapped up in Poland following 10 days of intensive training from June 7 to 17.

The Polish-led exercise was an opportunity to train, exercise and integrate Polish national command and force structures into allied, joint and multinational environments. It also allowed elements of the NATO Response Force to further improve their rapid deployment procedures and multi-national cohesion.


Anakonda Exercise Director, Polish Army Lieutenant General Marek Tomaszycki (second from the right) visits troops during Exercise Anakonda 2016, which was held in various locations around Poland from June 7-17. - Photo courtesy of Poland's Operational Command

Anakonda Exercise Director, Polish Army Lieutenant General Marek Tomaszycki said,"Poland has excellent training areas and Anakonda allows us to fully test the readiness of our Polish Armed Forces. We have been planning this joint defensive exercise for some time."

"Regional stability is vital and this multinational collaboration reinforces our intent to defend ourselves and todays Distinguished Visitors Day fully demonstrates force effect with a Combined Live Fire exercise and display stands," he added.

The Distinguished Visitors Day consisted of two dynamic displays with a multinational armoured battle group conducting live fire with both artillery and air support, and a special operations air assault exercise that demonstrated forced entry.

"The importance of this national exercise and NATO involvement should not be lost on our road to the Warsaw Summit," stated General Tomaszycki. Adding, "We continue to be transparent and have had in accordance with Vienna protocols an OSCE team observing. This defensive exercise has taken place across 7 locations in Poland and has proven to be a great success. The Alliance remains committed to maintaining its security."

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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