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NATO's Kosovo Force assists in flood disaster relief efforts

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Personnel from NATO's KFOR (Kosovo Force) began flood disaster relief operations in Skopje on Thursday, Aug. 11, 2016 following a request for support from local authorities.

Personnel and engineer assets drawn from KFOR's Swiss and Austrian contingents arrived in Skopje on Wednesday evening with heavy lift and engineer assets, including loaders, excavators and dumper trucks, in order to support disaster relief operations led by national authorities.


Personnel and vehicles from NATO's Kosovo Force are in Skopje to assist in flood disaster relief operations. - Photo by Kosovo Force

Several villages in the vicinity of Skopje sustained severe damage following torrential rains and a flood surge last Saturday evening, Aug. 6th.

In total, eighteen personnel and thirteen vehicles belonging to the NATO-led KFOR mission deployed from Kosovo to the stricken area of Stajkovci near Skopje. The deployment is expected to last around 10 days.

KFOR has led a peace-support operation in Kosovo since 1999. Currently counting approximately 4,600 troops, the operation helps maintain a safe and secure environment in Kosovo, as mandated by the UN Security Council.

Story by NATO HQ 

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