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NATO Naval Forces participate in Exercise Northern Coasts

COPENHAGEN – NATO naval forces are participating in German-led Exercise Northern Coasts 16 in the Baltic Sea.  

Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1) and Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group One (SNMCMG1) are taking part in this large-scale exercise designed to provide participants with relevant training in a fictitious but realistic scenario.
Up to 38 naval units, including submarines from 16 NATO and partner nations, are participating with focus on underwater and above the water warfare. 
Exercise Northern Coasts 16 currently underway in the Baltic Sea. - Photo by PO ESP-N Sánchez Oller
Under Command of Rear Admiral Jose E. Delgado, the NATO naval forces will train together as a single Task Group during the exercise. 

"By training together, NATO and partners strengthen the ability to effectively combine national assets, in order to face any possible security challenges in a maritime environment," said Rear Admiral Delgado.  "This major exercise will prove NATO Standing Forces capability to rapidly grow to a bigger multinational Task Group, whenever and wherever could be demanded," he added. 

Exercise Northern Coasts is a recurring exercise, which has been taking part in the Baltic Sea since 2007. 

Story by NATO's Allied Maritime Command

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